设备特点:Features systems
The machine applies to strawberries, potatoes, carrots, seeds and other lines not to damage surface spherical (cylindrical) fruits and vegetables, the lower part of the use of brush to scrub clean the surface of materials, the upper part there is high pressure spray cleaning, preceding the use of recycled water, later adopted clean water, thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables and water conservation.
| 巴氏杀菌机
| 巴氏杀菌流水线
| 强流风干机
| 鲜玉米除水风干机
| 食品输送带
| 提升式输送设备
| 轮换式压榨机
| 单筒式压榨机
| 风干机
| 蒸煮锅
| 真空搅拌机
| 毛发去杂机
| DZL-800/2S型全自动连续包装机
| 真空充氮包装机
| 滚桶式分级机
| DZL-1000型(B型)全自动连续包装机
| DZL-600/4S型全自动连续包装机
| 倾斜可调式真空包装机
| 外抽式真空包装机
| DZL-400/2L型真空包装机
| 单式可调式包装机
| 蔬菜水果清洗机