北京博艺艺术服装设计定制公司创始于2000年,发展至今,公司逐步确立了以艺术体育、舞蹈文化产业为依托,专注致力于建立艺术体育、舞蹈用品的“设计、生产、销售、服务”于一体的体育艺术、舞蹈文化产业生态链。公司总部设在北京市大兴区,旗下拥有“生产研发、营销策划、**管理、仓储物流、文化发展”等五大博艺定制产品涉及12大系列、1000多个品种,涵盖滑冰、体操、舞蹈、健美、国标、演出、休闲等5大领域。博艺定制拥有300平米的实体销售部,近2000平米的仓储物流及生产研发基地。博艺定制国内及海外市场正强势拓展。“bo-art customize”代表的高品质、时尚艺术体育、舞蹈用品正逐步成为艺术体育、舞蹈用品行业的***,“博艺定制”将诚信、专注、全力以赴、为艺术体育及舞者提供真诚的服务! 博艺定制---北京博艺艺术服装设计定制公司的定制服务已经拓展到**花样滑冰服装、艺术体操服装、瑜伽服装、花样泳装、体操服装、拉丁服装、舞蹈服装、健美服装等。我们是国内早较专业从事体育艺术服装定制的公司,早在十年前就为国外众多客户及花样滑冰队提供各类定制服务。我们我们的产品已远销到香港、台湾、新加坡、俄罗斯、加拿大、德国等二十多个地区和。我公司还可依客户需求设计和来样定做,并为其它国外**产品贴牌加工,也可单件或大量批发(加盟)。 我公司生产的花样滑冰服装,采用国内外新花色和质地的丝绒、氨纶、莱卡棉、弹力网纱、雪纺、乔其、真丝等为可以选择面料,并配以国产钻、捷克钻、中东钻、施华洛世奇等优质水钻,再辅以先进专用设备精细缝制而成。为客户定制“性价比”高的艺术体育服装是我们一直秉持的,每一件衣服都是我们*特设计、精良工艺和贴心服务的**结合...... BOART custom are the earliest and most professional sports art of custom clothing company, as early as ten years ago to provide customized services to many foreign customers and OEM products for foreign brands. Our customize projects from a single figure ice skating clothing, expand the gymnastics dress, Latin dance costumes, stage performances ballet leotard and other categories. Customized "cost" of the earliest art of clothing that we always uphold, every piece of clothing is our unique design, exquisite craft, the perfect combination of personalized service ……where every sports people like Art We will find your dream ........。 sewing We will offer the customize service and work one on one with my clients .we expect your full communication , we are pleasure talk with you more .then you can choose your favor fabrics and the dress color .we are always happy to work with your ideas and give you the best advise according to your exact request . Communication is the first step in our successful cooperation , And we hope complete happily . 北京博艺艺术服装设计定制公司 地址:北京市大兴区彩虹新城48-2号 网站: 销售热线:8610-69234517(传真) 经理雯慧:8610- Emal:bo_art@ Q 旺旺:雯慧的时尚店 Beijing bo-art artistic clothing design customize company Manager: Wenhui Wang Address: Caihongxincheng Daxing district Beijing Phone: (010) 69234517 Fax: (010)69234517Website Email: boart2000@
公司其他供应信息 | 免运费花样滑冰服装艺术体操服装博艺私人定制boart skat dress figure skating dress