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单价: 面议
起订: 1
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-06-10 12:31


机器特点: 本結構穩操作簡便,工作效律高,好維修,費用低,故障率少,何任人皆可操作,適合牛.羊.豬.面皮.染色皮.擠水伸展. 技术参数: 規 格 表機械尺寸 (m/m):3200x1370X15003500x1700X15004700x2300X1800工作面積:1500 m/m, 1800 m/m, 3000 m/m每小時生產量:100 S/H總馬力:11 HP, 15 HP, 22HP機械淨重:4700Kg, 6000Kg, 9000Kg 臺灣詠欣皮革機械公司 成立於1977年; 公司職員80余人; 專業生產各種皮革牛面皮、反毛皮、二榔皮、幹濕式PL再生皮、豬皮、羊皮之加工機械及整廠設備; 從廠房規劃、流程至調試生產、技術交流指導服務; 公司經營內銷皮革廠,可現廠參觀皮革製造流程,給客戶*加透明化,外銷全世界各國; 皮革機械及各種配件總匯; 片皮刀、削理刀、磨皮橡膠、毛刷、打軟布、自動掃粉機、輸送帶、擠水機輸送、羊毛毯、各式尺吋齊全; 現貨供應及中古機械翻新整理、保證使用。 本公司出廠之皮革機械特點重要機體都配備有調整機械本身水準設備; 可增加機械本身精度及壽命不容易損耗; 操作方面配備有先進晶體數位顯示及進口變頻器; 提升操作人員,操作簡單有方向,有目標,不易為操作帶來不必要之故障、提高優越品質及產量; 20多年的實踐經驗,自備有二台NC電腦平衡校正儀,NC龍門銑床,NC鎕孔機,精密高速NC車床,刨床及旋臂鑽床,油壓機,自動磨刀機等設備,可確保優越品質; 經多年來技術多方面改良,經專家鑒定與皮革廠技術人員實際操作,性能過程其**度速度,比起其他先進國家皮革機械優良,從鹽皮,生皮,牛,豬皮,二榔皮,反毛皮,牛巴哥,漆皮處理加工流程製造。 凡有關皮革製造整廠,安裝維修保養,配合長期技術,提供服務; 本公司隨時不斷研究實驗創新,開发機械裝配,高科技電子配件及晶體顯示,律可作微調特長操作簡易,好維修安全性高,如需調整結構都以不銹鋼零件,易損零件都以軸承取代車軸,經特殊熱處理機身設計,有水準基準調整,可保機械精度,因而可以隨提高產量,生產*的產品供應使用者接受,生意興旺,歡迎隨時蒞臨參觀指導. YOUNG SINN,formed in 19pigskin, Sheep skin, PU (wet or dry type), recycling leatber,77 in the Tainan, Taiwan, We liave 80 workers to produce tannery machines for cowhide,High pcision, durable, easy handling, absolute safety for operator, and low cose maintenance have been considered and designed in our advanced machines. Our experience is available to supply complete plant for tanning industry. We have tight connection with domestic tanners and export to many foreign countries. We also supply tannery machinery spare parts including splitting bandknife ,shaving blades, buffing m/c rubber and brush cylinder, converyor belts for staking m/c and de-dusting m/c,felts, blades cylinder.Weare in technical cooperation with Germany and ltaly, specialixing in manufacturing and designing the whole plant leather processing machinery. We have more than 20 years of actual expericnce, Our facilities include 2 sets of NC computer balance correcting meters, NC planomilling macine, NC boring macnine, pcision high-speed Nc lathe, planer and redial drilling macnine, oil pssure macnine, and automatic blade shapening macnine, etc. to encure the excellent qualiity. With many years of technical improvment, wxpert survey, and actual operation by the leather technician, our leather machines have better performac accuracy and speed than those of other advanced countries. We can offer long-term technica. I service of installing, repairing, and maintaining the whole plant leather machinery in processing the salted leather,raw leather,cattle and pig leather, splitleather, fur, and painted leather, etc. We also constantly research and develoop machine accessories, high technical electronic parts and crystal display, high in efficiency, able to do the micro-adjud sting, easy and safe for operatiom and maintenance. The parts of sturctures for adjustment are made of stainless steel. Instead of shaft, bearings are uses d in the parts easy to get damaged, The design with special thermal treatment in the macnine boby and the level adjustment can make sure the machine accuracy and thus increase the production and produce excellent products for the users,. And we wish you have prosper-ous business and welcome your visit and opinionds at any time. 加工定制 是 ** 臺灣詠欣/永欣YUNG 型号 YH703 用途 適合牛.羊.豬.面皮.染色皮.擠水伸展

公司其他供应信息 | 捷豹爆款 男士自动扣腰带 真皮皮带 耐磨耐刮 男士皮带 厂家 | 皮带男真皮 平滑扣腰带男士 精品HE皮带网店新款实体店款代发 | 伙拼 特价自动扣男士纤皮带批发 纤腰带 淘宝爆款 | 一件代发厂家 新款纯牛皮男士皮带 单层自动扣真皮腰带 裤带 | 休闲商务男女通用款Y型三夹铆钉背带高弹力松紧西装裤吊裤带 | 男士皮带真皮带男青年韩版 针扣牛皮腰带男休闲百搭简约纯裤腰带 | HMZC**男士真皮针扣腰带 市热卖皮带 淘宝爆款热销裤带批发 | 皮带批发 男士真皮皮带 金色扣捷豹牛皮腰带 一件代发 **老人头 | 全棉漂白粗斜 7*7 68*38 58吋 纱卡 粗斜面料 坯布 帆布 东莞现货 | 20*20 60*60 78英寸 200CM 全棉平纹坯布,医用面料 | 鼎牌坯布库存帆布批发 加厚纯棉全棉帆布现货面料箱包布/定做印花 | 秋冬新品山羊绒衫女式麻花毛衣圆领套头中长款加厚毛衫紧身显瘦 | 2015秋冬新款时尚针织毛衣套头纯山羊绒衫女中长款羊毛针织衫宽松 | 妈妈春装中老年毛衣女装厚款长袖羊毛衫大码针织圆领打底衫 | 冬季新款大码高领厚毛衣女外套 欧美中长款羊毛衫库存毛衣批发 | 素木原创大码 中长款半高领拼色毛衣女 宽松套头打底羊毛衫冬2150 | 2015冬装新款韩版宽松套头中长款貂绒针织打底衫毛衣女 | 高领纯色麻花针织外套女秋冬长袖2015新款宽松毛衣衫 | 精品时尚豹纹女式毛衣 韩版中长款宽松大码纯羊毛衫 中长款羊毛裙 | 新款秋冬高领羊绒衫女毛衣中长款宽松大码针织打底加厚套头貂绒衫 | 2015秋冬季欧洲站新款中长款毛衣女套头高领宽松加厚麻花针织衫 | 2016春秋新款女装套头毛衣女宽松纯色半高领韩版中长款毛线衣外套 | 韩国 时尚人气橡胶手机座可爱卡通乖乖手机支架 托架 | 输送机 流水线 链板输送机 滚筒输送机 链网输送机 | 供应厂家**头层猪皮0.6-0.7mm猪皮服装皮革 | FUJI富士工具、FUJI气动工具、富士油压脉冲扳手 | 供应离心式安瓿瓶甩水机 | 薇帘家纺四季款欧式全棉加厚定位活性床单纯棉结婚庆大红色床罩 | 蔬菜甩水设备 离心式脱水机食品/服装脱水机全自动脱水机行业成员之一 | **** 蔬菜脱水机,离心脱水机,工业脱水机厂家


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